N-gram language models – Part 1


Language modeling — that is, predicting the probability of a word in a sentence — is a fundamental task in natural language processing. It is used in many NLP applications such as autocompletespelling correction, or text generation.

google N-gram


Currently, language models based on neural networks, especially transformers, are the state of the art: they predict very accurately a word in a sentence based on surrounding words. However, in this project, I will revisit the most classic language model: the n-gram models.


In this project, my training data set — appropriately called train — is “A Game of Thrones”, the first book in the George R. R. Martin fantasy series that inspired the popular TV show of the same name.

Then, I will use two evaluating texts for our language model:



Unigram language model

What is a unigram?

In natural language processing, an n-gram is a sequence of n words. For example, “statistics” is a unigram (n = 1), “machine learning” is a bigram (n = 2), “natural language processing” is a trigram (n = 3), and so on. For longer n-grams, people just use their lengths to identify them, such as 4-gram, 5-gram, and so on. In this part of the project, we will focus only on language models based on unigrams i.e. single words.

Training the model

A language model estimates the probability of a word in a sentence, typically based on the words that have come before it. For example, for the sentence “I have a dream”, our goal is to estimate the probability of each word in the sentence based on the previous words in the same sentence:



For simplicity, all words are lower-cased in the language model, and punctuations are ignored. The [END] token marks the end of the sentence and will be explained shortly.

The unigram language model makes the following assumptions: