

Importance of TinyML

Introduction Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) [1] is, unsurprisingly, a machine learning technique but this technique is often utilized in building machine learning applications, which require high performance but have limited hardware. a tiny neural network on a microcontroller with really low power requirements (sometimes <1mW). Figure 1: Tiny ML, the next AI revolution [5] TinyML is …

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Machine Learning with AWS Recognition

What is AWS Recognition? Amazon Recognition is a service that makes it easy to add powerful, image and video-based, visual analysis to your applications. Recognition Image lets you easily build powerful applications to search, verify, and organize millions of images. Recognition Video lets you extract motion-based context from stored or live stream videos and helps …

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Pytorch part 1: Introducing Pytorch

Pytorch is a deep learning framework and a scientific computing package The scientific computing aspect of PyTorch’s is primarily a result PyTorch’s tensor library and associated tensor operations. That means you can take advantage of Pytorch for many computing tasks, thanks to its supporting tensor operation, without touching deep learning modules. Important to note that …

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Machine Learning development with AWS Sage Maker

Make your Machine Learning team working easier, focus more on business and quick deployment with AWS managed service SageMaker. Today, Machine Learning(ML) is resolving complex problems which make more business values for customer and many companies also apply ML to resolve robust business problems. ML have more benefit, but also more challenges to building the …

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